Share Student VMs
During a class, Instructors can broadcast a selected student's virtual machine so that other students can see it. Broadcasting a student VM can be useful if you want to provide a current live example to the class.
You broadcast the student VM via the Share with Students option.
A Project Manager from the same project used by your class can also broadcast a student's VM, as well as provide assistance to students. For more details, see the section Getting Assistance from Additional Instructors, in Assist Students During Class.
Sharing from 'Zoom In' Mode
While using the Zoom In screen for a student, open the CloudShare menu:
Click Share with Students. The Select Sharing Recipients dialog is displayed:
Select the Sharing mode desired. You can select all students or specific students, as shown above. Then click Start Sharing. The currently active VM of the selected student will be shared with other students in the class.
You can broadcast VMs from multiple student environments at the same time. However, only one VM can be shared from a selected student environment at any time.
Sharing from the Students List
From the Students tab at the left side of the Instructor Console, select the checkbox next to the student whose VM will be shared.
Click the more actions
icon, then select Zoom In. A Zoom In screen will be displayed for the selected student.
From the Zoom In screen, click Share with Students, as detailed above. The currently active VM of the selected student will be shared with all other students in the class.
Using Share with Students
When a student VM is shared, a new tab is opened in other students' browsers in order to display the shared VM. Existing browser tabs are not changed.
The selected student must confirm sharing in order for their VM to be shared with the class.
Do not refresh or close the browser window when sharing is active. This will close the shared connection and the share will need to be recreated by the Instructor.
When an Instructor shares a student VM, the share is always focused on the VM active at the time sharing begins. Even if the selected student switches from one VM to another while sharing is active, the shared VM will not change for the student viewing.
Students in the class can quickly navigate between all currently shared VMs by clicking on the desired browser tab.
Switching a VM while Sharing
When broadcasting, only a single VM can be shared at a time for any shared student environment. If the Instructor wishes to share a different VM for the student, the following steps are needed:
From the Zoom In screen for the shared student, open the CloudShare menu and click Stop Sharing.
Click the Take Over option to navigate to the specific student VM desired for sharing.
Re-share the student as detailed above.
When the Share with Students option is active, the Take Over option is not available.
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