Manage Student Environments
During class, you can manage student environments from the Instructor Console, including the following actions:
Suspend the environment
Delete the environment
Open the environment details page
Revert to the environment's original state (including any External Resources that were configured)
Zoom In
Extend the environment (see below for additional information).
Test connectivity or clear recent test results
To perform any of the above, from the Students tab at the left side of the Instructor Console, select the checkbox next to each of the student(s) you want to manage. Then click the more actions icon and select the desired action from the dropdown menu.
Note that the available actions may change, depending on the student(s) you've selected and the status of their class.
Extending the Environment
From the Instructor Console, you can extend environments for a length of runtime and storage time that is less than or equal to the length of the allotted time in the selected policy. Follow the instructions below to extend an environment from the console.
Select one or more users from the participant list, click the three-dot button, and then select the Extend Environment option. The Student’s Environment window appears.
Note that you can extend the runtime and storage leases less than or equal to the allotted time in the selected policy.
By default, the Runtime Lease and Storage Lease will be pre-populated with the selected policy’s Runtime and Storage Lease values. Note that the runtime cannot be longer than the storage time.
Click Extend Environment if the extension of the policy will not extend past the end time of your class.
Click Extend Class and Environments if the extension of the policy will be cut short due to the end date of the class. If the class end date is before the total policy time available for the environment, students will not be able to access their environment past the class end date.
You can repeat this action as many times as needed.
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