Use External Cloud Resources
CloudShare supports the three leading commodity clouds: Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Using our external cloud resources capability, you can conduct virtual training transparently over a designated external cloud, using all of CloudShare's virtual training features. You can also use external resources when performing a demo or creating a Sales POC.
To use an external cloud platform in an environment, you simply add the relevant cloud settings when you create the environment. If needed, CloudShare also enables creation of mixed environments that use external cloud resources together with CloudShare VMs.
When you add external resources to an environment, they will be saved with the environment's snapshot, so will also be part of any other environment that is created from the snapshot.
You can optionally add a Terraform creation script to define all (or just some) of the required resources in the designated cloud. The Terraform script is read dynamically each time its associated environment's snapshot is used.
Upon spinup, CloudShare initializes each end-user environment to provide all of the configured cloud services for your virtual lab, demo or Sales POC.
The CloudShare external resources feature also supports:
Automatic creation and deletion of dedicated cloud users, as needed
Fully segregated environments for each end-user
Assigning roles to external cloud users
Polling of external resource quota metrics (e.g., available CPUs, CPU usage time, disk size, etc.) to limit consumption
Real-time access to the admin console for the external cloud during your class
Automatic teardown of all external cloud services and resources at the end of your class
Ability to select which region and zone a cloud provider will use
You use the Create Environment menu to add external cloud resources to an existing or new blueprint.
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