Add Custom Data to an External Resource
When working with an External Cloud, you can make custom data available to the cloud whenever needed.
On the External Resources Summary page, go to the External Resource Custom Data panel and click the Edit icon in its upper right corner. The Custom Data dialog will be displayed:
As shown above, one example use of external resource custom data is to store credentials for use during VM login. This may be needed in order to provide the commodity cloud with the information that is required to access the specified VM.
To create a Custom Data entry, click Add Entry and provide the following details:
Name or Label - The value of the Instance Name, Label or Name Key for the specific VM. This value is used to pair the custom data with its designated VM, so it must be exactly identical to the value specified in the current Environment.
Hide VM - Activate this checkbox to hide the specified VM from the viewer. (Optional)
User - The username being added for access to the VM. This value must not contain leading or trailing spaces.
Password - The password for the current username being added for access to the VM. This value must not contain leading or trailing spaces.
Do Not Add External IP - Activate this checkbox to indicate that external IPs should not be created when attempting to enable external access. (Optional)
When finished, click Submit to save the custom data you have added.
You can delete an existing custom data entry by clicking the Delete icon at the right side of the entry.
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