Scheduling Analytics Reports
After you've created and shared a dashboard, you can use a built-in scheduler to send a static copy of the dashboard to a mail recipient at a regular intervals.
For dashboards provided by CloudShare 'out-of-the-box', a dashboard report can be sent only to the user who is creating and scheduling it.
CloudShare enables complete customization of out-of-the-box dashboards to suit your needs. For more information, contact your account manager or CloudShare support.
To schedule Analytics report delivery:
At the top right of the dashboard you wish to report on, click the email
icon. The Email Reporting Settings dialog opens:
To enable the report scheduling feature, activate the Subscription On toggle.
Select the type of report you want to send:
Embedded in Email. The dashboard is embedded as an image in an email.
PDF Attachment. The dashboard is attached as a PDF Report. You define how PDF display and formatting using PDF Report Settings.
Select the Time Zone for sending the report.
Choose the report schedule from one of the following options:
Every Update. Send a report each time you the Analytics data is updated.
Enter the maximum number of reports that can be emailed each day in the Number field.
Daily. Send one report according to the time interval you specify.
In the Everyday field, select the days on which the report will be sent. Select multiple days by clicking each desired day. Select the Hour and Time Zone to send the email.
Monthly. Send the report monthly as you specify.
In the Every Month field, select the monthly date and time. By default, the Start On field contains the current day.
When you are finished, click Save.
To send a report for the current dashboard immediately, at the bottom of the dialog, click Send me a report now.
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