Performing Bulk Actions on Multiple Environments
The following Environment actions can be performed simultaneously for more than one selected Environment:
You can select up to 10 Environments simultaneously for a bulk action.
You perform bulk actions directly from the Environments grid:

From the Infrastructure menu, click Environments List. The Environments grid is displayed.
Filter or search for the Environments on which to perform the bulk action.
At the left side of the grid, activate the checkboxes next to the name of each desired Environment.
You can select up to 10 Environments simultaneously for a bulk action. If you select more than the maximum number, the bulk action buttons will become disabled.
Click the desired bulk action. A confirmation message will appear.
Click OK to confirm the bulk action on the selected Environments. A popup notice will be displayed indicating success or failure status for the bulk action on each selected Environment. In addition, each execution status will appear in the notifications history list for the account.
Bulk actions will succeed (or fail) according to the current status of the selected Environment and CloudShare operation logic. For example, in order to Resume an Environment, it must already be Suspended (e.g., not Archived or Deleted).
Additionally, If a bulk action results in no change to the status of an Environment (e.g., requesting Suspend for an already-suspended Environment), it will still notify you of a successful execution.
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