Tips for a Smooth VM Import
Reviewing these tips before you start your VM import can help to achieve a smoother import process:
VMDK Configuration Issues. Avoid the following OVF mismatches:
Fewer VMDK files uploaded - Ensure that the number of VMDK files listed in the OVF is correct. Uploading fewer files than listed will cause the process to fail.
Wrong VMDK filename - Ensure that the names contained in the OVF are exactly identical to the VMDK file names. A name mismatch will cause the process to fail.
Virtual Serial Ports are Not Supported. Remove any virtual serial ports on the local machine before starting the import. If found, a virtual serial port will cause the process to fail.
If needed, virtual serial ports can be added again to the local machine following the import. For details and assistance, contact CloudShare support.
Don't Import Whole vApp Packages. Importing a VMware vApp package will cause the process to fail. Instead, you need to import the individual VMs which are contained in the vApp package.
To do this, during your preparation, do not export the vApp VM. Instead, open the vApp package and export each one of its VMs.
VMware Import Wizard Issues. Using the VMware import wizard to prepare the VM will cause the process to fail. This is because additional information is required by CloudShare that is not automatically collected by the wizard. Before using the VMware import wizard, contact CloudShare support so that they can assist you in the preparation process.
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