CloudShare Project Model
You build CloudShare virtual labs using a Project-based model. Each Project defines a unique set of resources and policies which governs any CloudShare Environments assigned to it.
A Project is accessible by assigned Users, who can perform actions on its components as permitted by their project Role.
Example Projects include: a specific training module, a named POC, product version or area, or department name.

A Project:
has one or more Project Managers
has one or more Teams
can have one or more Environment Policies
can have zero or more Environment Blueprints
A Project has exactly one:
Global Resource Quota that limits the CloudShare resources that will be available
External Resource Quota that limits the commodity cloud resources that will be available
CloudShare offers two types of Projects:
Regular Projects that enforce standard, highly flexible Role-based access permissions.
Channel Projects that enforce restricted Role-based access permissions, providing tightly controlled and cost-effective use by a broad range of business partners or resellers.
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