Manage Roles and Permissions
CloudShare supports RBAC (role-based access control) to control which users can perform specific operations and activities.
A user is assigned a Role whenever they are invited to a project. The permissions that are enabled for each Role can be changed according to the needs of that project.
CloudShare provides the following distinct user Roles:
Account Manager. This is the highest available user Role. An Account Manager controls and manages all aspects of a specific CloudShare account, can view reports on the entire account, and also controls the appearance of the platform, including Viewer branding.
Project Manager. A Project Manager controls and administrators one or more projects in a CloudShare account. This Role can add new users to a project, create teams and assign Team Managers, and monitor all project activity. A Project Manager can also create and manage environments, manage policies, and publish Blueprints and snapshots, unless prohibited from doing so.
Team Manager. A Team Manager controls an existing team and can add, manage and view the activities of all its Team Members. This Role cannot have privileges that are higher than those of the Project Manager.
Team Member. A Team Member is a user who is part of a specific team. This Role cannot have privileges that are higher than those of the Team Manager.
Roles are hierarchical, with each Role able to access and manage its primary CloudShare elements as well as the elements below it:
Managing Permissions
You use the Permissions Management page to view and change the permissions assigned for each Role in a specific project. For more details, click here.
Viewing User Roles Assigned by Project
You use the Project Member Roles page to view which Roles have been assigned to project members at any time.
From the Users menu of CloudShare Dashboard, select Project Member Roles. The Project Member Roles page is opened, enabling you to filter or search users by Role, Team, Project and User Status.
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